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Hello, we are Red Herring!
Angela Kibia 0083
Zahra Lesforis 0094
Ethan Edwards 0051
Jordan Cassell 0034
and this is our website to track our production of the task. The task being; to create a the titles and opening of a new thriller film to last a maximum of two minutes.
Preliminary Task
Reflection of Preliminary Task

180 degree rule
Zahra Lesforis
Having completed the preliminary task, there are many aspects I have learned about the filmmaking progress and the three rules. One of those things include making sure the mise-en-scene is in the correct positions in the different takes. Due to the fact that there may be several times where parts of the script have to be re-filmed, it is essential that the mise-en-scene is in exactly the same place as it was in the previous takes. This is so that when the film is edited and played back, there are no objects that are in different places as this weakens the authenticity of the film.
Something else I have learned about filmmaking is dealing with the camera and tripod. It is important that you take the camera off the tripod when moving it around. Also, to make sure the camera is sitting at an even level, it is best to look at the round spirit level on the tripod and check to make sure the bubble is in the middle of the circle.
Finally, I discovered that in a shot reverse shot, you must make sure that the positions of the camera are exactly opposite each other. For example, if the shot is on top of one character’s right shoulder, the reverse shot must be on top of the other character’s left shoulder.
One thing I will consider in the future when filming is sound and dealing with problems that may occur. I need to be aware of the noises that are around and acknowledging if they will affect filming. I will make sure I know ways of dealing with unnecessary noises so that together as a group, we will be able to overcome them quickly and effectively.
One last thing I will consider is planning and script writing. These techniques will make sure that filming and group decisions are not done at a slow pace and will help the actors in the group remember their lines easier.
Angela Kibia
While doing the preliminary task I learnt a lot about planning, filming, editing and from others. During the planning of the task I realised how important it is to get everything together before filming. This was important as it meant that everything would be the same when filming shots more than once. This was most important when it came to the script. This needed to be the same in every take so when editing it would be easier.
Filming was very difficult but also taught me a lot. During the first half of filming we did not set up the camera properly and so nothing was filmed. This meant we were rushed and didn’t have time to do more shots then we had first planned. This enhanced the importance of knowing how to use a camera. Even though we were behind time we knew it was very important to film a shot more than once. This was to get a variety and also in case it accidentally got deleted. It was very important that when we were filming the mise-en-scene had to be the same in order to have that continuity. Sound is another thing I learnt to be aware of while filming; this included breathing from the camera man and also the tripod or camera making noise.
Editing was easier for me but that didn’t mean we didn’t have trouble. There were some difficulties in making sure there was continuity while editing. This was especially important when doing match-on-action and shot-reverse-shot. I also learned which shots would be best to and which would be worth deleting.
Shot reverse shot
Red Herring Productions

Shot reverse shot is a film technique where one charcter is shown looking at another character and the other character is shown looking back at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposie directions, the audience assumes that they are looking at eachother.
The Preliminary task required us to have the 180 degree rule. The 180 degree rule is a guidline regarding the on-screen spatial relationship between characters in the same scene. An imaginary line called the axis connects the characters, and by keeping the camara on one side of the axis for every shot in the scene, the first caharcter is always frame right of the second character, who is then always frame left of the first.