Location with Justification

We chose one possible locationto be Empire (Walthamstow Cinema). This is an urban setting with lots of people. Urban settings are the usual location for thriller. This is also used to set the scene that the characters have just set a film. This will create the idea to the audience that what will happen in the film could happen to them in their city.

To get the first shot of members of the public walking past, we placed the camera in the middle of the pathway, in the market.
We thought that this was a good idea because it shows the film is set in a city, exphasising normality.
We placed the camera here to capture the actors getting on the bus and the bus driving away. These are the scenes that help build the atmosphere.
We placed the camera here so we could film the Empire cinema sign.
A park is another location because it is dark and sucluded. This will give a mysterious and unnerving atmosphere to the film due to its emptiness. This is also a contrast as parks are normally bright and safe.

While filming we did not use the location of a park as it was closed while we were filming, so instead we used a street conor that had lots of leaves. This was acceptable as it still made an eerie atmosphere.

Another location we chose was St James Street Bridge. This is an area where there are a lot of trees which can create low keylighting. A bridge could connote a pathway to somewhere dangerous, making the audience feel on edge.