We had issues while filming which we needed to overcome to create a succesful opening to a thriller film. One of the issues was deciding when to actually film. Since we are students we wanted to film only on weekends, however many of us were busy so getting a schedule of when to film was difficult. We also had to consider the schedule of our actor Lance since he was also helping out another group with their film.
Another issue we had was the public getting in the frame. As we were filming in public locations we had little control of this. Our first location was in a very crowded place so we had to allow for the public to be in the frame. We had two cameras while filming to have two different angles. Plus we would have continuity if we wanted to change angles and there was another person in the frame. In our second location we only wanted our two actors in the frame so we either asked the public to wait as we filmed or we had to retake the shot again.
A key convention in thriller films is having low key lighting. To achieve this we filmed when it was dark, as we filmed in the winter we could film at 4pm. Howerever due to the other issus we faced it meant we had to film longer than expected and on many other days.
As we filmed in the winter there was a lot of wind and this was caught on the camera. We asked our actors to shout in order for them to be heared. At first we thought that it might seem awkward but since they were argueing it wasnt wierd. There was also some background noises that we couldn't stop and decieded to solve this when editing.
The camera's battery life caused some troubles while filming. As we had two cameras, one had a great battery life while the other didn't. This meant that when one camera died we only had one left to use, meaning filming different shots and angles took twice as long with only one camera. This often led to going home early as people were getting restless. Having the actors forget their lines and creative arguements about different techniques also had a toll on the cameras battery life.