Audience Profile
Gender: Male
Age: 16-21
Relationship Status: Single
Origin: London
Ethnicity: Black British
Favorite Genre of Film: Psycological Thriller, Horror & Thriller
Favorite Type of Music: RnB Soul & Rap
Hobbies: Playing Basketball, Football, Drawing, Dancing
Favorite Films: Psycho, The Dark Knight
From the results of Question 1 we can see that our audience is farely 50/50 when it comes to the gender. This is good because our opening will not have to be heavily suited for a certain gender and it can remain ambiguous.
Question 2 asked for the age of the participants, from this we can see they are mainly teenagers or young adults. This was to be expected as thrillers are mainly watched by young people because of the coventions of suspense and tension. This helped us as we knew that planning our plot would have to cater to the interests of young people.
The most common answer for Question 3 was 'sometimes', this was good as it meant that the participants understood what was expected from thrillers and would be able to give critical reviews of our opening. The results were also in our favor because it meant that there answers were valid as they at least watch thrillers sometimes.
Unfortunately the most frequent answer for Question 4 was four (meaning they do not really enjoy thrillers). However the next frequent answer is 1 (they enjoy it a alot), from this we can create a mean with the responces and it would be 2/3 out of 5. This would mean most people are fairly in the middle.
The most common answer for Question 5 was psychological thrillers. We were pleased to hear this as we were hoping to go down that route for our opening. It also meant that we could experiment more with camera angles and the actual plot of the opening. Also psychological thrillers are quite easy to follow the conventions and so if we stick to them then we would hopefully get good responces as that was the most popular type of thilllers chosen by the public.
Plot twists seemed to be the most requsted aspect while watching a thriller as seen in Question 6. This was interesting as it meant the audience wanted to be entertained intellectualy and maybe have a red herring (our speciality!). The second most frequent responce was having suspense, this was important to us as one of the key aspects of a thriller film is suspense.
In this question I had put pictures of thriller posters and asked the participants to answer this question. There was a significant amount of people who had said that they found the posters to be interesting. This was useful for us as although we would not be producing a movie poster, the aspects found on the poster could be replicated in the opening to appeal to the audience.
Although not all particiapanst answered this question above 80% did and this meant they had watched a lot of thrillers in order to have picked a favourite. From the responceswe could see many conventional thriller movies and some niche areas. Most however were psychological which is a useful subgenre to look at since it was so popular.
From our audience research we have found that those who watch thrillers more freequently are young adults ranging from the ages of 16-25. This tells us to make our thriller more relatable to young people. To do this we decided to use young actors aged 17. We laso found that those who watch thriller lean towords psychological thrillers. This is good news for us as we were hoping to use a variety of camara shots and angles. Lastly we took into account what conventions of a thriller they enjoyed the most; this turned out to be plot twists. Although it is a opening to a thriller we would hope to input a plot twist.